Is Your Husband Secretly Texting With Other Women?

Recent statistics have revealed that up to seven out of ten relationships are destroyed due to infidelity. Today with all the instant communication devices such as the Internet and cell phones there is more temptation than ever to flirt or text message with a member of the opposite sex. Let’s face it. It’s much easier to send a flirty text message over a cell phone that it is to make a flirtatious comment in person. We all know that innocent flirtation can lead to a real life affair. But what can you do if you suspect your husband is sexting or sending flirtatious text messages to another woman.

Communication and honesty is the backbone of every successful relationship. The first thing you should do is talk to your husband about your suspicions. If he denies any wrong doing ask to see his cell phone or computer chat logs. If he refuses to allow you to read his texts or emails there could be a problem. In fact his refusal alone should be enough indication that there is trouble in your relationship that perhaps therapy or counseling is in order. If he tells you that he would love to show you the text messages but he deleted them then you can teach him about cell phone forensics.

Cell phone forensics is where you can take a cell phone and send it to a forensic data recovery lab and have all the deleted information recovered from the phone and reduced to a report. This includes deleted text messages as well as call logs, pics, memos, calendar and to do lists. You would be amazed at the amount of information that can be recovered in a forensic data recovery examination. You also might be surprised how quick and inexpensive it is. many private investigators offer this service as part of their infidelity investigations.

Many clients have the same questions and concerns. Like many messages can be recovered, how far back can you go, do you get the actual content of the deleted text messages including the times and dates. The answer is you, you can get the full messages as well as the content and times and dates. The information is so detailed it can be used in court. additionally the investigator can follow up on suspicious texts and phone numbers and emails. Tracing them back to the owner using reverse search techniques. background reports can then determine the marital status, age, sex and location of the persons on the other end of these communications.

So as you can see if you suspect your husband is texting with other women there is a way, by retrieving deleted texts, to find out for sure and get the evidence you need to either confirm your suspicions or put them to rest for good.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc. He is considered an expert in computer and cellular phone forensics. To learn more about how to recover deleted text messages and images please click here now:===>

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Do Married Men Visit Online Dating Sites To Cheat Or Just Look At The Pictures?

Usually when a wife or girlfriend find out their husband or boyfriend has an ad on an online personals dating site the man will claim he was just looking at the pictures. Is this a likely story? Do men join dating sites just to look at pics, read profiles and maybe flirt a little or do they only sign up and register on the sites so they can meet up in real life and cheat on their mate?

Let’s explore this. Recent studies and surveys indicate that 30% of the people that are registered on a dating site are married or in a monogamous relationship. That statistic is huge but it was recorded before the vast popularity of dating sites that actually cater to married people looking to cheat. These sites have almost 90% married members and they number in the terms of millions. The largest claims to have over 30 million members and there are several sites of this nature.

Due to these huge numbers, a cottage industry of private investigators have begun specializing in online infidelity investigations. This is an investigation where the suspects email address is traced back to their secret online personals ads. It can even locate secret social networks, dating sites, swinger sites, cam sites and even porn and escort service sites. Suspicious wives and husbands will pay for this kind of investigation and receive a report that details a list of all of the web sites that the suspect has registered their email on. The problem is that when the man is confronted with this report they just claim they were looking at the pictures of the pretty girls on the site. Or they could turn the tables and claim they joined the dating site to search for their wife’s secret ad.

After hearing this complaint a few hundred times the private investigators that designed the online dating service assessments came up with a follow up course of investigation to get the solid evidence needed to catch that cheater red handed. What they did was devise a very clever and elaborate trap to catch cheaters online. In general it’s known as a personals ad investigation. In this next stage of investigation the private investigation agency will use pretext personal ads designed to attract the attention of the suspect. The ads are aged and have aged content to look real. They will have corresponding aged Facebook and social network sites to prop up or validate the personal ad.

The investigators will use the fake sites to contact the suspected cheater on their personal ad and attempt to get him to exchange intimate photos or exchange phone numbers or call into a trap line where the suspects calling information will be recorded and documented to a report. now this is damning evidence you can use to confront your cheating husband and there is no way he can lie his way out of it.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website if you need to catch a cheater. We offer online infidelity investigations, reverse email searches,computer and cell phone forensics. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: —>

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Online Dating Sites and Dealing With an Unwanted Stalker

If you are one of the millions of people that are using online dating sites to meet potential mates you are probably aware of some of the creepy crazy people that try to contact you through these web site. It only takes a few days on these sites to start receiving emails from people that are either rude, crude, irrational or unstable. Most sites offer a feature to delete, block or report these kind of people but what about the people that can put on a great act and sound quite normal in the first few initial emails? Those are the ones we must really beware.

If you are planning using an online dating service there are some very simple inexpensive initial steps you should take before you get started. These are steps you can take to protect your privacy and security. First you soul set up an anonymous non descriptive email address just for use in signing up to online dating sites. Second would be to purchase a prepaid cell phone that would only be used to communicate with potential dates.

Once you have taken steps to conceal your identity yourself you should think carefully about what information you want to share. First you should not use any real part of your name. You should not use your actual zip code but one close by to where you want to date. You should not give your place of employment or even too much description of what you do if it could reveal too much. Even the pictures you post must be carefully scrutinized.

If you are on a dating site you will want to post an image of yourself. If you don’t you won’t get any responses at all. But to protect yourself make sure it does not include a pic of your, home, car, employment, school or anything else that could reveal too much identifying information. It is better to be safe than sorry so even a pic that could reveal a neighborhood landmark is unwise. Before you make your ad live go over every detail, try to think like a stalker. A first name and zodiac sign is enough information for a database search to locate you.

These are all the preemptive steps you should be taking before you ever place your first personal ad. These steps are imperative in protecting your privacy and safety. In the next of this series of articles we will explore the steps you should take before responding to an ad, talking on the phone and meeting in person. After that we will discuss how to react to a person you believe could be dangerous or a stalker.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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Online Personal Ads and Safety Tips Before Meeting

If you have been following our series of articles on online dating site safety you will recall that in previous articles we have discussed precautions you can take when setting up your ads. In this article we will discuss how to safely communicate and screen out potential stalkers in your journey to finding true lasting love though online dating.

If your ad is up and running and you’ve been careful to protect your identify and privacy as we discussed previously now it’s time to start communicating with your potential dates. The first thing to consider is caution and safety. You don’t want to go running into this and make a huge mistake that could end terrible. take your time. As potential suitors contact you carefully review their ad. look for warning signs. Look for “crazy eyes”.. Trust your instincts. If your gut says something’s wrong or moving too fast it’s probably right.

If you receive an email that’s inappropriate quickly and politely reject that contact. Report the ad if necessary and block if the feature is available. If you are receiving any kind of unwanted attention be sure to make it clear to the person that you want the contact to stop. Do not argue, do not insult, do not engage in prolonged contact or communications. Do not make threats. If you feel unsafe be sure to document the unwanted contact by printing out the communications and make a police report.

If you find an ad that appeals to you and you feel comfortable with that person they may want to communicate off the site by exchanging emails, phone numbers or social networking accounts. Remember that there’s no rush. If it’s meant to be it will be, so be safe and do your homework. Before you give up any contact information get there’s first.

Once you have a name, phone number, email address or social network page url it’s time to investigate. The first thing you can do is run the phone number through a reverse phone number search. You can Google it and see if the number matches the name they are giving you. Then you can check out the name and see if it matches the address and if they’re married or not. You can also try an online infidelity investigation. This search will trace their email address back to all their online dating sites and personal ads. You can check and see if they’re giving the same story and profile information on all their personal ads. You can also see if they’re only any extreme sexual fetish or homosexual web sites.

If all this checks out you might want to try a criminal background report to see if they have a record of arrests or convictions. A full background report can uncover lawsuits, liens, judgments and bankruptcies as well. These may all be factors in your decision on whether you want to date this person or not. There is no point in getting emotionally involved with someone who is not a good potential mate. You can spare yourself aa lot of future heartache by weeding out the undesirables early on. Before you every even meet them.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service search website for all of your investigation needs. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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Online Dating Safety – Preparing For The First Meeting

If you are going to give online dating a try you have to take the appropriate steps to protect your privacy and security. If you have been following along in our series of articles in online safety tips you should already have take steps necessary to safely create an ad and safely screen out potential dates. But now it’s time to actually go on a date with someone you find attractive and suitable to date. Now there are completely new steps to take to ensure your security.

By now you should know your dates, full name, address and phone number. You should have their email address and taken the steps to verify this information through third party investigation web sites or a private detective. You should have an idea of their online habits and interests through the use of an online infidelity investigation ti trace their email address to their online personal ads and dating sites. But getting ready for the date is a lot more than just getting your hair done and buying some new shoes.

The date should be carefully planned. You should take your own car and agree to meet in a public place. Before leaving the house you should tell a few trusted people where you are going and who you are going with. bring a cell phone and have these friends call you and check on you during the date. Make sure your date sees you talking on the phone with these concerned friends. Park your car is a safe well lit area.

For a first meeting it’s safest to meet in the day light and in a public place. It’s safest to avoid alcohol on a first meeting. Avoid inflammatory conversations about religion. politics or past abusive relationships. Do not present yourself as weak, a potential victim or an easy mark. Look for warning signs that your date may be the clingy, obsessive type or a predator looking for an easy mark. If you feel unsafe or uncomfortable at any point, leave. Use your phone and call your trusted friends or the police if you feel it’s necessary. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

If the date does take a negative turn be polite. Do not fight or argue but be firm and professional. Let your date know you are leaving and they should not contact you again. Be firm. Do not mislead your date into thinking there is a possibility of a second date or a relationship. You do not want to send mixed signals.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is President of Opperman Investigations Inc.If you need help with a cyber stalking investigation visit

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The Dangers Of Online Dating – Recent Murders

I’ll begin with the most recent story of how truly dangerous online dating can be. I’m sure we all know that online dating can be quite the gamble. Is your life worth that risk. I would say that’s a pretty big gamble to take. Just recently a man whose name is Abraham Fortune’s account was deleted and removed from a dating website. Fortune did not mention that he had a criminal record. He also did not state that he was a convicted triple murderer that had served 11 years in prison.

A Phoenix man named Wade Ridley was found in Las Vegas in front of the Hard Rock Hotel in another woman’s vehicle. He drove his Ex-girlfriends car to Las Vegas to elude the police. He left Phoenix after he brutally stabbed his ex girlfriend Anne Simenson with a machete. Before this tragedy happened He left another woman for dead after beating her repeatedly, stabbing her and then left her for dead. Ridley was a member of the dating website

Online dating is the new age way to meet people and find your “true love.” How well do you really know a person in general, let alone from simply reading there profiles online. If someone expresses that much interest in you as you do in them isn’t it worth finding out if they’re legit in what they tell you? Information can be obtained through private investigators who specialize in online dating service investigations. You may think to go through all that would be such a hassle. If you had enough interest in this person I would say the “hassle” could possibly just save your life.

Things to do to ensure your safety when dating online

1. Best and safest route, hire a private Investigator to obtain information about the person in question before meeting them in person.

2. Always leave the name of the person with a family member.

3. Always carry a cell phone.

4. Always meet them in a public place.

5. Best to have your own form of transportation in case something does not feel right you can leave.

It seems like more of a gamble and a hassle to have to be that cautious, just to go out on a date. To hire someone that can provide you with information behind this particular person could ultimately give you piece of mind. It will allow you to feel safer in knowing that your date is not a criminal or someone that could endanger your life.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service investigation website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===>

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Do You Think Your Husband Is Gay Or On The Down Low?

Have you ever saw your man paying extra attention to a certain male than a female? Does he dress exceptionally well? Does he take longer than you to get ready when going out on the town? There may be a chance that your man prefers the same sex as himself. Does anyone in your family or circle of friends say that they think your husband may be gay? If your curious there is a way to find out.

He might not be completely in to the same sex but he could be dabbling a little or even experimenting. He might be occasionally visiting gay bars or be a member of a gay dating website. You can hire a private investigator to run a infidelity search to see if he may in fact belong to a gay dating website.

Men who are “experimenting” could very well be gay they are just not ready to tell anyone, or scared and ashamed to do so. Although they could also be using there female girlfriend or wife as a cover to prevent anyone who knows him of finding out the truth that he is choosing to hide. With the infidelity search you can uncover whether or not this is happening in your relationship. The search will find out if he is a member of a site, the name of the site and what that website consists of.

Although being interested in the same sex is of course a personal choice that everyone has the right to have, it is still cheating if for whatever reason that man is with you. It’s wrong and you have the right to know. So don’t wait and continue to wonder. Find out now. The sooner the better. So if you think your husband may be straying but with other men this is for you. Hire someone to give you piece of mind so you can take the necessary steps to get out of the relationship and actually be with someone who is interested in you and only you.

The choice is yours of course but the chance of contracting a s.t.d is high. That a risk you are taking if you suspect something. So who is it gonna hurt, you will put your suspicions to rest and save yourself the grief. The best way to find out if your man is out cruising other men is aan Internet infidelity investigation to trace his email back to secret online activity.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Many Facebook Investigations End Up In Court

Today Facebook and other social media have become such an important part of our everyday day lives so much that more and more Facebook evidence is winding up in court. About 45 percent of divorce cases involve some documentation of email, Facebook and other online media. Those are generally used by the opposing parties for civil reasons — not for criminal prosecution.

Obtaining information about a Facebook account may not be as simple as you may think. Of course you can severe the Custodian of Records with a subpoena duces tecum. However if you are in pre litigation stages you may not be able to do this. You’ll have to hire an investigator to obtain this information for you. Even then an investigator cannot count on any cooperation from Facebook staffers. He’ll have to rely on his own wits and experience.

A private investigator can uncover an incredible amount of evidence using digital forensics and Internet investigations. A simple trace of an email to online dating sites or social networks could uncover evidence of infidelity, substance abuse, porn addictions, and frequent use of escort services. This kind of digital evidence can be overwhelming in a child custody hearing. But it has to be a thorough investigation that is carefully documented from start to finish. It’s not enough to just print out some Facebook pages. You have to carefully document every step and maintain a chain of custody of all evidence.

So snooping on Facebook is one thing, gathering and documenting evidence is another thing all together. For instance information gathered from a computer hard drive can be ruled inadmissible and worthless in court if the proper procedures are not used to gather and document that evidence. This can actually backfire on a litigant.

For instance, the courts take allegation of sexual abuse of children very seriously. but if you do not have evidence to back up your allegation the court can rule you are making false and frivolous accusations and this will affect your custody and visitation. That is just one reason why it is so important to gather evidence and document it properly.

Facebook and other online social networks are a great source of valuable information in any investigation. Whether it be a child custody, TPO violation, cyber stalking, infidelity or any other kind of litigation. But Facebook is only a very small ingredient in the information that can be obtained in a thorough meticulous investigation of all online media and computer, cell phone forensics.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman is the Pres of Opperman Investigations Inc and the chief investigator for If you have noticed signs of cheating please feel free to visit his web site.

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Most Common Reasons For an Internet Infidelity Investigation

There are many reasons why a person would want to hire a private investigator for an online infidelity investigation, to trace an email back to secret Internet personal ads and social networking sites. Some Internet Infidelity Investigations can also locate Escort Service sites, Gambling sites and porn sites. These are the most common reasons why a person would enlist a private investigator for such an investigation.

1. Suspect Cheating – The main reason people use this type of service is that they have noticed signs of cheating in their spouse,. This has roused their suspicions but they have no hard proof. They see their spouse testing and chatting online. Sending frequent emails and behaving secretive around their computer or mobile device.

2. Suspect a Porn Addiction – The basic Internet search of online dating sites can be expanded to include porn sites, swinger sites, cam sites and even escort service sites. Any spouse that suspects these kinds of activity can use this service to get proof using only their spouses email address.

3. Evidence For Child Custody Evaluation – It is very common for a person involved in child custody litigation to need evidence of inappropriate behavior in their spouse. Evidence of a porn addiction, dug use, gambling addiction or other inappropriate behavior can be obtained and documented in a report you can use in court. The basic Internet Infidelity investigation can recover very damning evidence. But if it’s expanded on and the social networks and dating site ads are used as an entry into further contact and communication and interaction with the subject. Producing even more evidence and or testimony.

5. Suspect Homosexuality – Many times a spouse may suspect their partner is on the down low. A secret bisexual. This can easily be confirmed with the infidelity investigation. Often times the email address will be traced back to a homosexual dating service. You can then follow up with a personal ad investigation and attempt to set up a meeting or exchange phone numbers and pictures.

It’s hard to deny infidelity when you’re caught exchanging emails and pictures, phone numbers with strangers online. I’s important understand the gravity of online infidelity. any people think it’s just harmless flirting but one out of four online flirting situations lead to real life meeting. There are serious dangers involved with meeting strangers over the Internet. Like STDs,black mail, broken families, divorce and custody litigation. Online infidelity not a joking matter and if you suspect it, you should check it out to be sure you know what is going on under your roof and what your family is being exposed to.

Copyright (c) 2011 Opperman Investigations Inc

Ed Opperman invites you to visit his dating service investigation website. He offers cyber investigations, email tracing, telephone investigations, and more. To learn how you can catch them cheating online please click here now: ===> Article Source:

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